
Research projects

Antioxidative and antimicrobial function of bifunctional food ingredients

Identification of potential harmful food/drink and food waste constituents (allergens, mycotoxins, GMOs)

Food Sensorics improvement through altered fermentation conditions

Impact of food and bio-functional constituents on human gut microbiota –-symbiosis Biomarkers identification

Metabolic profile of biological substrate and nutrition related factors

New food products development of high nutrient value

Design of Food Processes for safe foods

Qualitative and Quantitative specification of bifunctional constituents of food substrate or food industry waste of animal and plant origin

Distinguishing food based on quality related factors and originality

Development of food intake application for nutrient assessment and dietary recommendations to the end-user. ...

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Research labs

  • Laboratory of Quality Control and Safety of Foods and Drinks
  • Laboratory of Chemistry Analysis and Design of Food Processes