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Faculty Members

Professor (Dean of the School of Food Sciences)



+30 210 538 5553, +30 210 538 5523

Office Address

Κ11-006 και Κ11-007

TITLE-PRESENT POSITION: Professor in Instrumental Food Analysis, Laboratory of Chemistry, Analysis & Design of Food Processes, Department of Food Science and Technology, Food Sciences School, University of West Attica, Egaleo, Greece.

Dean of Food Sciences School.


Vassilia J. Sinanoglou is a PhD Chemist from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and her present position is a Professor in Instrumental Food Analysis, Laboratory of Chemistry, Analysis & Design of Food Processes, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of West Attica. She is the Dean of the School of Food Sciences since 9/2022. She has also served as Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology from 9/2016 to 8/2021. From 9/2022 until today, she is the Director of the Graduate Program (M.S.) “FOOD INNOVATION, QUALITY AND SAFETY” of the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Vassilia J. Sinanoglou has over thirty years undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience related to Instrumental Food Analysis, Food Analysis, Food Chemistry and General Chemistry. She has over thirty years research experience in (1) instrumental food analysis (chromatography, mass spectrometry, spectroscopy) analytical methods development, (2) natural antioxidants extraction from agricultural and industrial residues, (3) analysis of natural products (lipids, phytochemicals, minerals), (4) biomolecular structure identification, (5) application of methods for measuring the antioxidant and antiradical activity of natural antioxidants and lipid extracts; (6) study of food irradiation and its effects on food functional components and food quality, (7) organoleptic properties (color and texture) measurement, (8) image analysis of foods and (9) chemometrics and application of statistical analysis for the classification and monitoring of the nutritional value of food products. She has published more than 83 research articles in international scientific journals and book chapters and more than 150 research articles in Ιnternational and Hellenic scientific conferences. She is a Referee at forty-five scientific journals. She was coordinated and participated in 10 research projects.

Currently teaching (undergraduate)

Instrumental Food Analysis

Chemical Composition and Quality of Food

General Chemistry




Google Scholar:–1dQAAAAJ&hl=el

Currently teaching (undergraduate)

Instrumental Food Analysis

Chemical Composition and Quality of Food

General Chemistry